Police forces in the UK need to deal with over 10,000 online sexual crimes against children and vulnerable adults each year. However, front-line officers lack the technology they need to perform searches for the devices that perpetrators are using to commit these crimes.
UltraNetAI will enable thousands of police officers to protect our society against these serious offences. Our innovation embeds novel machine learning expertise from the University of Essex into a small unit for police entering a crime scene to gain essential forensic information about networked devices at a property. UltraNetAI is a simple plug-and-play solution that simply requires front-line officers to plug in our device to home routers and then receive the intelligence they need directly to their mobile phones in real-time. Unlike competitors, we uniquely support UK police workflows for front line officers that do not have full forensic or technical training. Through encrypted cloud storage and connectivity, our solution allows forensic teams to audit the search, ensuring evidence is appropriately secured to enable convictions. Future UltraNetAI products will enable protection for children and young adults in education.